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Opening: 2PM  The Recreation Center

Members present: 40

Members Absent:  n/a

Quorum: Yes

Previous Meeting Minutes: Not read.

Treasurers Report: [Copy attached] [Approved: moved by Betty Hinton and seconded by Kimberly Wright.

Presidents Report: Copy not provided. Information provided from recording of meeting.

  1. Road work costs ($24500.00) were the result of a washout twice early in the year and resulting in a bridge having to be built. President Carlson talked to the county and if the POA buys the 3 entrance culverts at a total cost of $920 the county will install them;(water does not flow thru existing culverts) The minimum size is 15”x40”-everyone agreed (no vote because under $1500). The plan is to keep filling the holes in the roads but it would help if the holes being filled are watered down by the owners in front of their homes.

  2. Discussed renting or purchasing a tractor to maintain roads and easements. Cost of a new tractor is about $30000.00. No decision made, the option is open as to what to do and needs more discussion.

  3. The pool is needing a lot of work, I’ve been talking to a pool man and were talking $30000.00. It’s something we need to think about. The pool needs to be converted to 3 phase, it would save us money. We also need to fix up the bathrooms, at least 1 shower/toilet in each bathroom. We will have a special meeting as these things are fix ‘in to come up.

  4. The recreation center needs a few other things done, the roof has a few leaks and were going to fix it. We got paint for the recreation center.

  5. Discussed boat ramp light and bulkhead falling down. We need to call SWEPCO regarding light because the POA doesn’t get a bill on the boat ramp light. (Myrtle will contact)


    Committee Reports: No report.

    Homeowners: 1. Is the county going to let us get by with 15” culverts? Answer: Yes.  2. Is the county supposed to keep the weeds mowed down on the county road? Answer:  The county won’t mow over all the stumps in the draw. 3.What about weed kill?  I saw somebody using weed kill. Answer: That was SWEPCO around the poles. 4. Is the county going to put asphalt back down over the culverts? Answer: Yes, if not we’ll get them back out here.  5. What’s the cost of renting a tractor? Answer: $350 for 3 days. What about renting a tractor every couple of months? Answer: The tractor was rented from Bobby Tosh’s brother and Bobby said he couldn’t allow anyone else to run it. Versus a rental yard is about $200/day $600 per week. Bobby also stated Woodland Harbor can rent it as long as Bobby is the only one who runs it and Bobby is an officer.   6. What if we tore the pool out and put in a smaller new pool?  Answer: probably the same price. 7. What will the 3 phase electricity cost us? Answer: Nothing, it’s already wired and just has to be hooked up. I can hook it up. If an electrician hooks it up it will be between $300-$500. 8. Helen Herbold asked if folks are interested in the newsletter? She asked people/officers to contact her with more information to put in newsletter. Answer: A majority of hands were raised to keep doing newsletter. 9. Patsy House asked if we want to continue pot luck dinner due to low turnout? Answer: Yes. Randy Herbold suggested to tele-market the POA and maybe get a better turnout. The telemarketers are: Randy Herbold, Curty Green, Myrtle Brown and Anita Warren. 10. Boat ramp bulk head needs repair on the right side, can we dump some rock? Answer: We need permission from the Corp. We’d be better off rebuilding it, and seeing what it costs us then have a meeting. 10. What can we do to get people to clean up property? Answer: I’m going to talk to a judge. 11. What constitutes a homeowner? Answer: Randy Herbold said not being on the CAD is a technicality but as far as he was concerned, the person in question paid the dues and he was a member. But at this point it’s up to the President. (the President asked the man to leave at the beginning of the meeting) The President’s position was that the man hasn’t changed the tax records. But after a discussion the President changed his mind and decided the man could participate and would let him know.

    Comments made and discussion by POA members that folks living here do not have running water and are using POA facilities for bathrooms and washing, that those same folks have had a tent up, which is not allowed for the length of time it has been up. Also, to contact the Sheriff for any suspected illegal activity noticed and form a crime watch committee. A positive comment that the strays have been greatly reduced. The folks who refuse to clean up have to have a health violation put against them so the POA can charge them and clean it up. Discussed collection activity on past due POA members.

    Unfinished Business: None

    New Business: Election of Officers

    President- Ken Carlson ran uncontested.

    Vice President- Bobby Tosh ran uncontested.

    Treasurer: Myrtle Brown and Patsy House nominated. Patsy House won by a vote of 22 to 11.

    Secretary: Carol Kelley ran uncontested.

    Action Item List: No specific dates given to act upon issues discussed.

    Adjourned: 3:45 PM

    Motioned by Kimberly Wright and seconded by Carol Kelley




Opening: 2PM Pavilion (Recreation Center)

Members present: 30

Quorum: Yes

Previous Meeting Minutes: President Ken Carlson advised not necessary as this is a special meeting to approve Treasurer Myrtle Brown’s Report.

Unfinished Business:  Approval of the Expense Report and the 2016 Budget.

Treasurers Report:  Motion to approve by Helen Herbold: moved and seconded by Jack Erwin. Passed by hand vote.

Presidents Report: Spent $4000 on section 2 road that washed out.


Property Owners Questions:: 1. What are the professional and legal fees? Treasures answer- Liens and lien releases, CPA, lawyer fees in the amount of $1500.  2. Do we have our Tax form 990 up to date yet? My understanding is they haven’t been filed in a couple of years? President’s answer-The CPA filed electronically and it didn’t happen, so our people tried to file the form and it got all ‘messed up’ so the CPA said it was their mistake and are paying to get it all straighten out, I checked with the CPA the other day and it is in the final steps of being completed.   3. Are we going to use the same lawyer? President’s answer- we don’t know who it’s going to be.   4. Is section 3 Woodland Harbor? President’s answer-yes, that process was found to be illegal, so it was put back to the way it was.   5. When the budget is used up for the pool, is it going to be shut off? President’s answer-it didn’t go over budget last year.   6. If we don’t spend the money on the pool, can we use money for the roads?  Secretary’s answer-there’s money budgeted for the roads, need volunteers to help fill the holes.  7. Do new property owners have to pay back dues? President’s answer- I’m of the opinion that new property owners don’t have to pay someone else’s back dues. Everybody agreed.  8. Some areas are so dark, whose responsible? General answer-The property owner.

New Business: Patsy House and Nancy are taking orders for fried pies@$1.50 or $18.00/doz. Sales end March 5th. March 10th and 11th the fried pies will be delivered or picked up at Nancy’s house. Request the property owners participate in creating sales orders.

Action Item List:  1. Section 3 road washed out, and may cost another $3000-$4000.

2.Fred’s crossing needs attention. Daniel Stanley volunteered to fix Fred’s Crossing.

Adjourned: [2:35 PM] Motion to adjourn by Unknown, Louise Carlson 2nded.







Opening: Called to order at 10AM at the Pavilion with opening prayer by Ken Carlson.

Members present: 34

Quorum: Yes

Previous Meeting Minutes: Read by Secretary Randy Herbold- Motion to approve by Bob O'BANION and seconded by Jack Irwin.

Treasurers Report: Read by Myrtle Brown. Motion was rejected to accept due to incomplete by Marylyn Hutton and seconded by John Cooper.

Presidents Report: Resignation of Vice President Wayne Horn and The Board approved Bobby Tosh as Vice President to finish the term.

At this point in time, the POA is not required to install a 6 [six] foot fence around the pool as was previously informed by a letter from the State. The Insurance Company stated they have not been informed of that change.

Patsy House has been put in charge of the Social and entertainment committee.

Nancy Phillips has been put in charge of the Fundraising committee with the assistance of Myrtle Brown.

Helen Herbold has been put in charge of publishing a Newsletter and the Advertising committee.

Harold Snyder was requested to be in charge of the maintenance committee but is undecided at this time. [Harold Snyder was in charge of all committees prior to this and had weekly ‘Brain storming meeting from which a prioritized list was created]

. 1. Request to use up to $1000.00 of POA funds toward the pavilion. Motion by Jack Irwin. Seconded by Russel Taylor. Vote of Majority-Approved.

2. Request to purchase from Bob O’Banion a Brand New 24000 BTU Air Conditioner for the Pavilion. Motion by Jack Irwin. Seconded by Tommy Ellis. Vote of Majority-Approved.

3. Use of the dump station by permanent residents, a motion was made to ‘shut them off’ by Marylyn Hutton and seconded by Louise Carlson. Vote of Majority-Approved.


Committee Reports: Your Ideas “Brainstorming” Meetings

Prioritized List after August 8th Meeting (Combined)


How to communicate with entire POA

Email & text message, door-to-door, flyers at strategic locations, word of mouth

Other suggestions: Newsletter, Facebook Page (has been set up), Website (working on)

Paint and repair playground equipment

Locate paint, volunteers, time & date

Picnic table at boat ramp

Patsy House donating table – concrete anchor – location. How to get table there – volunteers



“Pot Luck” dinners

Patsy House – new “Social Events Coordinator” to organize. Monthly dinner (date & time) – bring enough for your family & 5 extra including drinks, plates, chairs, plastic ware, etc. NO ALCOHOL for family entertainment.

Arm bands for pool

Volunteers to help those in need. (Patsy House)

Speed bumps need to be painted yellow (Nancy painted some of them)

Need MPH signs located by speed bumps



Sign stating Woodland Harbor POA only

Betty Hinton working on sign – Group 1 supplying wood – need paint – where to put sign & volunteers to install sign.

Enclosing the pavilion

Group 1 furnishing 2x4’s and 2x6’s and doing the work. Siding, sheetrock & insulation needed. Water meter or dig & connect to water from pool so we only have 1 meter. Volunteers needed.

Road repairs

Equipment, materials, knowledge on how to do this (incorporated Bobby Tosh & Randy Martin since they have knowledge). Call 311 before digging to get lines marked where NOT to dig – volunteers needed.

Pets running loose – Letter needed

Secretary send letters – talk to judge Thomas Cravey for help on what we can do – talk to vet about catching stray pets & where we can take them after they are caught.

Clean up issues

Parking lot at South end of pool

Replace & raise fence around pool

Fence around pool room for air to pumps


These items were removed from the list by majority at meeting on August 8th.

#10 – Open checking account for fundraiser money

#20 – Rope access lot West of boat ramp

#18 – Culverts need to be in place before fixing road. Damaged culverts to be repaired.

#17 – Property owners need to mow easement


Property Owners Questions:

1. Are we a Property Owners Association? The Accountants had an electronic ‘glitch’ in sending the information required to the State, the accounting firm is paying for the error and we should be a legal POA by the end of the year.

2. How long were we not a POA? Possibly 2 years.

3. Why? Unknown, previous administration.

4. Why did we pay an Attorney $1500.00? Unknown, previous administration. Myrtle Brown was present at the attorney/client meeting but didn’t understand what the Attorney and other board members were talking about.

John Cooper commented that there is a proposal to fix county roads in sub divisions by the county but signatures are required at the court house in order to get the bill passed.

Jack Irwin commented a neighbor is dumping his waste into his septic. The general consensus was to call the authorities; the neighbor is trespassing onto his property.

Comment made to call 311 before you dig.

A motion by John Cooper to remove Myrtle Brown from Treasurer for poor performance and sharing privileged information. Seconded by Marylyn Hutton. There was a discussion and a vote to keep Myrtle Brown in the treasurer position. Vote of Majority-Keep Myrtle Brown as treasurer.


New Business:

1. Harold Snyder needs a clamp for cable that runs through posts for fencing. There was a discussion about using the fencing that was pulled up near the pool and put the fencing at the boat ramp. [No decision made]

2. Harold Snyder needs help digging a ditch for the POA and Ken Carlson discussed getting a trencher. [no time frame discussed]

Action Item List:

1. Patsy House-Starting in January 2016 there will be Pot Luck Dinners the 2nd Saturday of each month @4:30 PM.

Adjourned: 11:30AM motion by Bob O’Banion and second by Helen Herbold.








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